If you want real-world experience that compliments the litigation support and testimony of experts in geology, hydrogeology, and environmental issues, then choose ‘The Groundwater Experts’ at GMA!
Our senior staff has provided litigation support and expert witness services to our clients for more than 20 years in the areas of groundwater hydrogeology, contaminant fate and transport, environmental engineering, regulatory issues, and water resources. GMA has extensive expertise in the assessment and remediation of environmental contamination, which meshes seamlessly with our litigation support services. Our expertise with hydrogeology and groundwater resource assessment and development is well known, and we are uniquely qualified to communicate effectively to laymen how groundwater and groundwater contamination originates, how and why it migrates in the subsurface, and how contaminated groundwater jeopardizes water-supply wells, human health, surface water quality, and the general environment. GMA has consulted on dozens of environmental and water resource legal claims, and we have provided testimony at trial and/or in deposition in approximately 20 different cases. We have prepared, assisted with, or critiqued visual aids used at trial, including PowerPoint presentations, physical demonstrations and models, and computer models, simulations, and animations. Our GIS-based mapping, database management, and data analysis staff provide very high-quality services integral to complex litigation.
GMA’s professional staff has nearly 300 years of combined experience, is exceptionally well educated, and enjoys an outstanding degree of professional licensure. In fact, GMA has the largest staff of NC-licensed hydrogeologists in the region (11), and our number of professional staff licensed as an engineer or geologist (100%) is simply unmatched. Litigation support and expert witness services are provided primarily by our litigation team in Greenville, but senior staff in our Apex office can supply additional services as necessary (e.g., environmental engineering).

We are experts in geology and hydrogeology!
GMA’s staff has overseen the removal of well over 1,000 commercial and non-commercial underground storage tanks (USTs), and we have completed nearly 1,000 soil and groundwater assessments of contamination by petroleum, chlorinated compounds, and metals. We have closed ore than 400 UST incidents under NCDENR’s risk-based (RBCA) rules since 1998. GMA has been providing consulting for municipal and federal government landfills for 25 years, including hydrogeologic characterization, development and implementation of water-quality monitoring plans, compliance reporting, and site remediation. We have designed and employed multiple methods of remediating soil and groundwater contamination, including conventional excavation, groundwater pump-and-treat, air sparging, soil vapor extraction, dual-phase extraction, ozone injection, in situ Submerged Oxygen Curtain (iSOC), and monitored natural attenuation (MNA). GMA has conducted assessments and remediation at sites ranging in complexity from active remediation of multiple-source contaminants in fractured bedrock aquifers to monitoring of natural attenuation processes in surficial sand aquifers. Our staff has extensive and diverse experience with sites that have impacted or threatened public and private water-supply wells and surface water resources, a factor common to many litigated environmental incidents. GMA is the firm to hire if you are litigating complex environmental, groundwater, or surface water issues!