Drilling Services

Deep exploratory well at Hilton Head Island, SC
GMA has broad experience with many types of drilling techniques, including hollow-stem auger, mud rotary, air rotary, reverse-circulation mud rotary, Geoprobe, rotary sonic, wire-line core drilling, power auger, and hand auger. Our geologists have logged boreholes more than 1,400 feet deep, and we have installed many types of Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR), water-supply, and monitoring wells . GMA has supervised and evaluated the repair of wells more than 3,800 feet deep.
Four of our staff are North Carolina Certified Well Contractors qualified to install, supervise, and abandon wells of all types. GMA uses in-house equipment to install shallow monitoring wells and collect soil samples. We maintain strong relationships with high-quality drilling contractors in order to meet any need for mechanical drilling, well installation, well rehabilitation, retrofit, and abandonment.